Genshin Imaginarium Theater: Wolfy's Identity and the "Boar Allegory"
In the fantastical world of Genshin Impact Traveler and Paimon's adventures are always filled with the unknown and surprises. This time, they accidentally stumble into a mysterious room within the Knights of Favonius Library in Mondstadt. Upon stepping inside, the surroundings instantly transform, as if they have left Mondstadt's boundaries. The two cannot help but wonder: Why does the library harbor such an enigmatic space?
Driven by curiosity, they decide to set aside their confusion and explore the room for hidden clues. And this time... What secret will they uncover?
Imaginarium Theater: The Mages' Fantastical Creations
As the Traveler delves deeper into exploration, They gradually uncover the secret of this mysterious room - a fantastical space collectively created by the mages. According to the lore, this space originated from the imagination of a story-writing mage, who wielded her quill to manifest her inner fantasies through magic. Other mages contributed their unique abilities to transform this fantasy into reality, ultimately forming the Imaginarium Theater. The origin of this room lies in a single fantasy or idea.
Wolfy's Identity
In this mysterious room, the Traveler encounters a unique being-genshin wolfy plush. Wolfy is an adorable, talking magical toy serving as the concierge here, tasked with welcoming guests. With his fluffy appearance, Paimon praises him as "soft-looking and perfect for petting."
Based on conversations with Wolfy, We speculate that this Wolfy is almost certainly the same character from the book Princess the Boar-a wolf pup who was cursed by accident, forced to leave the forest, and wandered to the icy plains. Wolfy also mentioned playing in the forest with "White Fang" and enduring harsh cold on the icy plains, which matches the geographical lore.
Wolfy's Analysis of the "Boar Allegory"
In the "Imaginarium Theater", Wolfy tells the Traveler an allegory about the Boar Tribe. The tale appears deceptively simple yet carries profound symbolism.
In the story, the Boar Tribe who committed wrongdoings faced the master's harsh punishment. The master brought forth rusted scales, demanding the boars sacrifice their own possessions in an unequal exchange to earn the right to leave. Those who abandoned different things ultimately transformed into different animals.
The fable's implications are stark: it likely alludes to Celestia's punishment of the Emissaries of the Sky Island after the War of the Calamitous Flames - those who defied Celestia's will and sympathized with humanity's desire to break free. The "Boar Tribe who committed wrongdoings" metaphorically represents these divine envoys.
The allegory states that boars who "offered their flesh" in the exchange became rabbits, now "leaping three paces to a bound," instinctively guiding people to treasure. The "rabbits" clearly allude to the Seelie we know - remnants of a once-great civilization that guided humanity. Their degradation into empty husks after being cursed by the heavens for "loving humans" aligns with the metaphor of "sacrificing flesh" (losing physical form).
More challenging to interpret are the boars who "placed their heads" on the scales, transforming into wolves, lizards, and snakes. "Placing their heads" may signify abandoning unique "wisdom." Drawing parallels to Seelie descendants like Nabu Malikata, the Goddess of Flowers (and Sibyl the "Golden Bee" who guided King Remus), we infer these envoys chose to relinquish "prophecy" and access to knowledge beyond this world ("Forbidden Knowledge") in exchange for Celestia's clemency. By retaining their "flesh," they preserved their formidable power. This aligns with Wolfy's allegory depicting these boars as predators.
As for what "wolves, lizards, and snakes" truly represent, my current speculation is that they may be the Demon Gods described as "exiled from the heavens." A prime example is the Scarlet King Amun. The Tale of Al-Ahmar states: "Al-Ahmar is a child cast down from the sky... Whenever he gazes upward, recalling the ninefold paradises of the heavens and the merciless punishment of millennia past, he bows his noble head and utters a sigh of unresolved sorrow" - a direct parallel to the identity of "fallen divine envoys."
From Egeria's case, we know "Demon Gods" are powerful beings granted shards of the Primordial One and divine mandates. Their origins vary widely: Egeria, created purely from Teyvat's own substance and akin to the planet's original Elemental Dragons, still became a Demon God under the Celestial Order. Thus, it is plausible that fallen envoys could attain such status.
The above remains speculative; we must await future lore to provide more clues.
Additionally, Wolfy reveals there was one unique boar who placed her possessions evenly on both sides of the scales until the rusted balance broke down the middle. Though she became a mute (her "voice" was sacrificed in the process), she retained both the "strength" to sustain her existence and the divine "wisdom."
Wolfy identifies her as "Madame Mage's friend" who "likes to speak in people's heads." Based on this, she is clearly the Hexenzirkel witch codenamed "N" - Nicole Reeyn.
This "Unfailing Guide" prefers to speak directly into minds, eagerly offering guidance to the lost. She emerges when the world stirs, prophetically hinting at truths (as seen in the Inazuma Archon Quest and Fontaine's main story where "N" twice communicated with the Traveler). Now knowing Nicole's ties to the Seelie (divine envoys), we unravel the origins of her esoteric powers and profound grasp of "the world's fate."
As for The Little Witch and the Undying Fire - the book series added alongside the Imaginarium Theater - its wildly imaginative content and heavy focus on "knowledge beyond this world" make its symbolism difficult to interpret within current lore.
However, one point is clear: "The universe containing Teyvat appears to approach an exhausted end." The All-Devouring Narwhal's archive text hints at this, suggesting an entropy-driven "heat death" as the terminus.