Are Navia and Nilou still worth drawing? 4.8 First Half Banner Analysis is here!
Greetings travelers! This is a banner study of the first half of Genshin Impact 4.8, so let's find out if this new banner is worth pulling!
Genshin Impact 4.8 Character Banner
- The five-star characters:Navia/Nilou
- The four-star characters: Kirara, Kaveh, Ningguang
Let's first discuss Navia. As the main DPS, Navia is a five-star geo Claymore character in the Fontaine version of the line. Even at C0 and lacks a signature weapon.", she can strike more than 100,000 numbers.
Navia's continuous output is slightly weaker and her burst is comparatively low. Nevertheless, I believe that Navia's primary issues are with its mechanics and teaming. Navia depends on the crystallization reaction to increases the defense and effectiveness; this mechanic restricts Navia's teaming, preventing Navia using a standard Geo main DPS team.
Pull Recommendations

It is not advised for the meta players to take Navia for two reasons: first, she is not stronger in any of the Fontaine characters; second, the Genshin Impact recently announced that Natlan will soon be on the line of three new characters stand; Natlan will soon have a new system; Navia's performance probability in the Natlan version will not be much better. For those who are not meta players members and prefer to draw, drawing their preferred role value is the highest!
The next character we will discuss is Nilou, a 5-Star Hydro Sword User who is positioned as a pure bloom team support character. Nilou's skill is in the team only with Dendro and Hydro characters that strengthen the team in the bloom reaction DPS, usually with the team being 2 Dendro and 2 Hydro characters .
Nilou is one of those characters that has a very low ceiling and a pretty high base performance. The Nilou Bloom team as a whole just has to level up to increase the bloom's basic damage with a very low requirement for holy relics. The Nilou Bloom team is already powerful with the appropriate main stats. The drawback is that, despite the substats' superiority, the promotion it brings with it is also more constrained.
The Nilou Bloom team is the team of the Sumeru period. It is still rather good, even if it is in today's version; however, this team has much too high environmental requirements. It is more challenging to face the boss if there are more opponents than possible. In addition, the adversary cannot possess geo or cryo shields or a comparatively high degree of dendro resistance.
Not to mention, Nilou has a new outfit in the updated edition!

Nilou is a necessity for gamers who love Nilou and her new clothing, especially considering the new wardrobe will coming soon.
It is not advised to draw Nirvana to the meta players if you do not take into account the new clothing. In some conditions, but only in certain circumstances, Nirvana's Bloom Team is incredibly strong. The frequency of the field for the Nilou Bloom team in the Sumeru edition is still rather high, but in the current conditions, being on the field is a rare chance.
Kirara is a great traversal character, but her fighting intensity is quite ordinary. It's important to note that Eriara has sprint trails in the updated version. Drawing Kirara in the banner is generally not advised because she is also available for free at events.
Characters like Kaveh and Ningguang are weak in the present setting, and Ningguang has Sprint Trail in the updated version too.
Genshin Impact 4.8 Weapon Banner
- Five star weapon:Verdict/ Key of Khaj-Nisut。
- Four star weapon:Xiphos' Moonlight, Dragon's Bane,Eye of Perception,Rust,The Bell
The verdict is Navia's signature weapon, but pilling it is not recommended. The main reason for this is that this weapon is not very strong and has almost no versatility. Navia is quite appropriate when combined with 4-star claymores that are powerful or more, particularly the Serpent Spine. There's also the Ultimate Overlord's Mega Magic Sword available for free from a previous event, which is also more replaceable.
Nilou gains a fair amount of advantage from Key of Khaj-Nisut and has no lower-tier substitute. However, if you apply the boost to Nilou's whole squad, it becomes a little more general because Nilou is a support character.
The four-star weapons in this banner are excellent: Yoimiya's Best-in-Slot 4-Star Weapon is the Rust; Hu Tao's Best-in-Slot 4-Star Weapon is the Dragon's Bane; and Kaedehara Kazuha's Best-in-Slot 4-Star Weapon is the Xiphos' Moonlight. These three weapons are worth pulling and refining because of their extreme strength.
Pull Recommendations
When examining the weapon banner as a whole, four-star weapons are more appealing than five-star weapons. You must have enough faith in your good fortune to obtain a four-star weapon in the banner. It is advised that the Fashion Players only remove the five-star weaponry from the banner rather than the Meta Players.
All things considered, the majority of players are not advised to play the first half of the 4.8 edition of the banner; Fontaine is nearing its conclusion, and the Fontaine version 4.8 is the final version; the Natlantorium version comes next. Soon, the new characters of the Natlantorium will be released. It would be wiser to hold onto some of the primogems with the new characters.