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OnePlus Ace3 Pro X Genshin Impact Kirara Coming Soon

by Genshin Fans 24 Jun 2024

According to the recent official information from OnePlus, the latest Ace3 Pro will be officially released at 19:00, June 27th, 2024 (GMT+8). The official has also released a collaboration poster with Genshin Impact, clearly showing that the latest Ace3 Pro will feature a collaboration with the Genshin Impact character Kirara. It is expected that the OnePlus Ace3 Pro X Kirara Collaboration Phone Gift Box will be available for purchase as early as June 27th.


Kirara is a playable 4-Star Dendro character introduced in Version 3.7, which has captured the hearts of many Genshin Impact players with her cute personality, professional spirit, and unique skill mechanisms. Since the official announcement of this collaboration between OnePlus and Kirara, numerous fans have been eagerly anticipating it.

Previously, OnePlus has also collaborated with other Genshin Impact characters including Hu Tao, Paimon, and Keqing, all of which received positive responses. Based on past collaboration events, it is expected that there will be gift boxes, phone appearances, system UIs, and a series of merch customized for the collaboration. From the collaboration poster, it seems that the theme color is green, but the specific details of the gift box and merch will only be known after the offical announcement on June 27th.

That's all the information we have for now. will continue to follow the latest developments of the collaboration event. Kirara fans, let's look forward it together!

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